
Excretion of Doshas through the mouth by administration f emetic drugs is called vamana. This is the best therapy for vitiation of Kapha.


Excretion of Doshas through the anus by the administration of laxative s and purgatives is Virechana. This is a specific process for elimination of Pitta-dosha.


This is the purificatory process in which suitable medicated decoction mixed with honey , salt oil and a paste of certain drugs or medicated oil alone is filled into a bladder and pushed up into the anus through a nozzle. It is called kashaya-vasti when an admixture of decoction and other drugs is used and Anuwasana - vasti or sneha-vasti refers to the administration of drugs through the penis or vagina. This is a therapy of utmost importance and should be done carefully with all necessary precautions. This is the best treatment for vitiation of vata. 4.Nasya: It is the process of administration of medicines through the nostrils and is specifically indicated for treatment of the diseases of the head.


The process of taking out blood from the body is known as Rektamoksha or blood letting. This technique is adopted in instances of impure blood for managing diseases caused by Rakta and Pitta. This is done either by cutting the vessels by sharp instruments or application of leeches or by suction with the help of horns etc. It is to be noted that `Snehana' and `swedana' which go by name of Purvakarma are necessary precedents o f any of the Panchakarma.


As outlined elsewhere, the practice of Ayurveda in Kerala has evolved as a class of its own and in a sense become the hallmark of Ayurvedic treatment itself. There has been a lot of interest and appreciation for these techniques in India and abroad for the simple reason that they have proved to be out-standing in efficacy. An attempt is made here to briefly outline the special techniques of Kerala in vogue today.


Herein, the whole body or any specific part thereof is made to perspire by the application of medicinal puddings externally in the form of bolus tied up in a muslin bag. The method has been prevalent in Kerala from tome immemorial and is still in practice. The body must be well anointed before it is subjected to heat and diaphoresis. Generally a course of this treatment lasts for 7 days, 14 days or 21 days. Great restrictions are to be observed during these days of actual treatment as well as for an equal number of f days thereafter in respect of diet as well as physical and mental exertion of every type.

Patra-potala sweda:

This is the process of including perspiration on a well anointed person with the help of bolus containing fried leaves of medicinal plants along with pieces of lemon, turmeric powder etc dipped into a vessel containing warm oil.

Churna-pinda sweda:

In this process the bolus containing powdered drugs is warmed by dipping in warm oil and gently massaged over the body to induce perspiration.


It is the process by which the body is made to perspire by means of application of warm medicated oils. Warm oil is poured on the body by dipping pieces of clean cloth in the warm oil and squeezing the cloth over b the body or by the use of small handy undies at a medium speed.


In this process imedicated oil is allowed to remain o n the head for a prescribed period with the help of a cap-like contraption without top. The prescribed medicated oil is warmed to body temperature and slowly poured into o this cap with the patient sitting on a stool of knee height.


It is the process in which medicated oils, milk or butter milk, is poured in a continuous stream on the head especially on the forehead in a specific manner.

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